
my sister

one time, my sister and i were driving to church to drop off some brownies my mom had made for a bake sale. i was driving the dodge caravan and she was in the passenger seat holding the pan of brownies in her lap. we were arguing about music. she said the music we were listening to was stupid. she wanted to listen to her music. i said that her music was stupid. then she said something meaner to me; i don't remember what she said, but it upset me. i kind of backhanded her and that shut her up for a second. then she said that she was going to call mom. she grabbed the carphone (one of those old ones with a giant pack that plugs into the car lighter) started to call our mom. her braces had kind of cut her lip, not badly, but when i saw that i started feeling bad. i regretted what i had done. i pleaded with her not to call mom. she hung up the phone and we delivered the brownies. i still feel sorry about smacking her, but it sure does make for a good story.


Anonymous said...

Wait- have I blocked that story from my memory, or did that really happen? I don't recall... I mean, all of the events seem plausible: the braces, the music conflict, waiting in the car. Please help me recall if this is historically accurate!

Oh... and I love you!

Lauren said...

oh, it happened alright. i think my sis did block it out. however, upon speaking with her, she reminded me that we hit each other a lot. and now look at us, the best of friends! see folks, hitting + time = one great relationship. for sisters.