
turkey days!

mornin' all! s'been quite a while since i last posted...i've had a wicked cold and have been a bit busy of late. there are loads of mailings to do at work, so my fingers have been busy. i've folded hundreds, maybe thousands of flyers over the past week. it was making me into an angry person. but...

...tomorrow is the day o' the turkey! my sis and her bf flew in last night and we're all driving home today. i'm gonna see if b will do most of the actual driving.

so it's home we go for the big day. we're gonna have a full house this year from what my mom tells me. lots of aunts and uncles from both sides, a handful of cousins, a grandpa, a nona, the mom, the dad and us kids, of course. should be an interesting mix.

in other news, it snowed a bit last night and when i woke up this morning (it's dark when i wake up), the flakes looked huge against the streetlights outside my window. lovely.

ew! the food dudes just brought the food in (kosher lunch for the kids comes daily) and it smells like actual hell. like something really died. a while ago. disgusto.

in mo/ther news (i combined the words 'more' and 'other' to make one efficent word), b and i went to his big movie premiere this week! we rode the train downtown and as we walked up towards the movie theatre, i could see searchlights shooting up from the ground. we kind of laughed in disbelief as we walked up and into the theatre to find pictures flashing and stars chatting...so strange. then as we lined up to buy some snacks, we noticed an actor we had seen on a 'six feet under' episode the night before, so we decided to introduce ourselves. he was super kind and bought us some popcorn too! then we watched the film. fun, fun. sat next to some friends who also make appearances in it. laughed and clapped at familiar names rolling in the credits. and then made our way to the party which was held next door. 6-8 vodka/cranberries (me) and just as many heinekens (b) later, we made our way home.

the morning came too soon. three hours of sleep always seems to make me feel like i've been run over by a semi. can't figure out why...hmmm... so i made it through work and home to take my much-needed nap.

which brings us up to speed!

so here we are on the eve of thanks. this year i am thankful for many things including (in this order):

a person who loves me
a happy, healthy, supportive family
the most amazing friends
a new living space
a general lack of cat pee


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ohh.... you have such a dreamy life. so beautiful and talented improvisor...not to mention an evocative young writer living in a insanely cool city with an incredible boyfriend. people! where on earth did this vision of perfection come from! tell us your secret! grrrrl, you got it going on. your blog entries scream happiness!