

my legs are cold. on top, i've got a cozy sweater on, but on the bottom, m'legs are COLD. help me!

alright. i suppose i'll live.

i'm feeling pretty good about things right now. sketchcore did sketchfest and had a ton of fun. i am officially inspired. our potential energy is contagious.

so...redmoon workshop tonight, a commercial on thursday, babysitting on friday...a haircut today!

tra, la, la...i've been spending a lot of time fixin' up sketchcore's myspace page...trying to figure out how to decipher html and decorate the page with our signature colors. i love my job.

it rains outside. it was sunny and we were spoiled for a few days and now it rains.

the tops of my legs are cold.

today one of the two-year-olds called me 'walter.'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Night Walter!