
morning "thoughts" 04.04.06

even coffee can't save me this morning.

rehearsal went into the wee hours last night and daylight savings time has messed with my internal clock. arg.

this morning i ran a bit late to work in order to shower. it was time for me to get clean.

i'm eating a chocolate croissant and drinking a big ol' cup o' joe from intelligentsia. later i'll be indulging in my latest snack craze. soy butter! my friend lindsey tipped me off to its tastiness and i've been a fan ever since. at her suggestion, i put it on bananas and apples. now i carry it with me in my purse at all times.

during these long days and late nights, i am so very grateful for my sweet b. he's been cooking wonderful meals for me (including my fave, his veggie chili) and generally keeping me sane. that's no easy task, so i would like to publicly thank him.

thank you.

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