
a reminder!

THE GREAT CIRCUS TRAIN WRECK is running for just 3 more weeks! that means you have 9 more chances to see this wonderful show...that's 9 more chances to see my friend penny here. she is really proud of the show and really wants you to come see it...in fact, she was asking for you just last week! she was all, "how's _____ ? it's been ages since we spoke!" and i was like, "penny, you know that _____ is ultra-busy and has a lot going on right now." she came back with, "well, doesn't s/he want to see a show that's a critic's choice in the chicago reader? a show the chicago sun-times called 'exceptionally moving?' " and i was like, "dude. i certainly hope so."


Dean Evans said...

That's the first time I've seen Penny wearing clothes in la long time.

mama amy bee said...

sorry we can't see your show! we bet it's great. see, we have this whole traveling thing and baby thing and distance thing, but we'll see you and b in a month. yeah!

Arnie said...

I saw it. It's great. Especially the second half. And especially especially the end. In other words, it just gets better and better. Lauren is great. Go have your side split and your heart broken. I'm starting to sound like a hype machine.

Uh... it's good.