
the fate of the tomatoes.



so earlier-than-usual fall temperatures ( along with a later planting) conspired to thwart our tomatoes this year, so a delayed harvest forced me to bring a bunch of green tomatoes inside to ripen on our radiator (see "before" pic). and ripen they did, amazingly, and i stewed the lot of them today ("after"). they are heading for the freezer packed tightly in gladware. all is right with the world.

in other news, my dearie has left for a long tripventure and i hope to use this solo time as an opportunity to catch up on some meaningful blogging (which doesn't usually get done when i'm busy spending time with my favorite person in the world).

right now, however, i am tired. i drove b to the airport at 7am and have been stewing and such since then...i'm gonna nap.

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