

otis's annual thanksgiving celebration, otisgiving, took place last night. we gathered together for the fifth year in a row to give thanks the only way an improv team knows how: by eating a veritable truckload of delicious food and drinking a bunch of beers. we also dress in costume on otisgiving. a couple of our past costume themes have been "sheeps & robots" and "pilgrims & native americans." this year's theme was "children of the future or something you can buy at the grocery." i chose the future, of course...i shined myself up with gold powder and employed the all-purpose, diy costume accessory: saran wrap. however, costumes were not the high point of otisgiving. we got a wonderful surprise visit from shelly who relocated to las vegas earlier this year. it was an otisgiving miracle.

i was so happy.

...and thankful.

1 comment:

mama amy bee said...

nice to share food with friends.