
why i can't have another kitten.

sometimes when i'm feeling unsure and questioning everything that i do, a certain answer comes to me very clearly:

"i want a kitten."

i've said out loud before. twice. it's terrifying to space out, tap into your subconscious and realize that that is what would make you truly happy.

a kitten brings with it the promise of new life. a kitten brings fuzzy newness and a rollicking good time. have you ever felt a tiny kitten paw? if you have not felt a kitten paw, then you're not really living. get a kitten to fall asleep on your chest and then tell me honestly if you don't feel the radiant beams of adoration toward that lil' sucker. i won't believe you.

all kittens are cute all of the time.

now, i already have two glorious cats: polly and mitch. one of these two cats is crazier than the other...come to my house and decide for yourself. i'll give you a hint, it's mitch. he's very sensitive. by sensitive, i mean he pees on stuff. if you are leaving town, he'll most likely pee on the bag you plan to use. if there is a change in sleeping arrangements with you and your boyfriend, he will most likely pee on the bed. it's pretty disgusting. but i love him. in the same way that i love polly. she used to bite my ankles when i was talking on the phone or singing along to music. now, in her kitty mid-life, she has become really sweet. i can't wait for mitch to grow up and get sweeter. and by sweeter, i mean not peeing on things.

all cats are cute almost all of the time.

don't get me wrong, these cats are awesome. and they have enough moxie for me to be writing about them on the internet. they also might not welcome a new frisky kitten into the house; three's a crowd, they say. so i will hold back from thinking those new kitten thoughts. those thoughts can get you in to trouble. with those thoughts, you can find yourself driving on the gravelly backroads of southern indiana trying to find a state road address for the place that has advertised "cute, adorable kittens" in the sunday paper. or you might find yourself downtown at navy pier meeting some strange girl at her office to do a new kitty pick-up. either way, there is nothing like the excitement of a new kitten. but for now, i'll stay excited with my full-grown cats who like to curl up, lay right down on me and make me the happiest girl in the world.


Anonymous said...

What do they say about folks that obsess about their cats? Oh yeah, that they're NUTS.


Marc said...

Wonderful. Welcome to the Blogosphere.
We are now both officially lame.

Anonymous said...

What can I say? I love you. I love you for being able to say so much about your cats... I love you for actually making what you have to say interesting to someone who- let's face it- doesn't like animals... for God's sake, I love you for having a blog named "Fiesta Resistance"!