
the babes.

i babysit. pretty often. and i really wish that i had started doing this earlier, but i'd like to record some of the dialogue between my smaller friends and i. now, it's impossible for me to get every word down verbatim, nor is it likely that i'll capture the spirit of these guys, but i will try anyway...these snippets are from a five-year-old friend of mine.

l- (while playing with some blocks) MAYONNAISE!!!

me- mayonnaise?! where?!?

l- (throwing blocks straight up) in the SKY! MAYONNAISE SKY!

me- i love mayonnaise.

l- me too. i love mayonnaise too.


l- (quietly playing with a train set) it's nice to meet you again.

me- it's nice to see you again too...

l- i hope you come back.

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