

i am sitting here at my desk, living proof that dreams can come true. i mean they really, really do.

people, brace yourselves. i ate pizza for breakfast this morning, y'all. and it was good.

so for all you naysayers who claim that wishes don't come true, take a long, hard look at the facts: i ate pizza in the morningtime, which you may or may not know is one of my heart's true desires.

believe it.


the great ache.

well, i'll have all of you know that i nearly died yesterday. i had a day-long, four-alarm, red-hot headache. this doozy lasted from about 11 am yesterday until this very morning, and i slept through it (almost) in its entirety. sad. at its peak, i was writhing around on my bed and crying out for my mommy. at its weakest point, i was able to "watch" (closing my eyes during commercial breaks, of course) one episode of "one tree hill" (most ridiculous show ever, may have worsened my headache) and one episode of "law & order: criminal intent" (i'm a sucker for the stand-ins noth and sciorra...she's real hot, he's a close second). then, it was back to the bed where i slept through the night, despite the fact that i had already slept for 7 hours during the day. i hate losing an entire day like that. terrible.

however, today i came to a realization. it's one i have every time i recover from touching death. i always come out of it with a deep, deep appreciation of how precious time is...how lucky we are to have our health...and how scary it would be to be sick for reals. i'll put off that thought for now, so thankful to have a pain-free head and looking forward to a full day out of bed.


it's hot in my ding dang house!

people! it's hot in my house. i mean, i've been sweeping and moving about pretty rapidly, but still, i think it a bit too hot in here. i'm seriously sweating.

also, and more importantly, sketchcore has a run beginning in february! in layman's terms, that means we are "puttin' on a show." feel free to click on the link to the right and see our website progress...

for now, a sneak peek of "urban legends."

be afraid...

p.s. "king kong" is awesome. truly. just ask my sister who had to tell me to be quiet about eight times during the movie.



i am back home in chicago. the cats are alive and well and happy to see me. well, polly is kinda giving me the cold shoulder. she'll get over it. i am getting settled in and heating up some leftovers and here are some pix from our christmas...

b took this photo of us on thanksgiving...it was a big hit. this one will live at dad's office.

dad gets an fully updated ipod from rhi(he hadn't really figured out how to use it after he received it as a christmas gift last year.)

...with hand-written instructions from rhi on how to load music.

mom and rhi play santa.

a merry christmas text.



today is christmas. today we've already had coffee, opened gifts, eaten lovely cheese blintzes made by rhiannon...now we're relaxing. there is snow outside...big ol' flakes, heavy flakes and it is all peaceful. pics to follow...merry christmas, everyone...


december 21st.

b was at dunkin' donuts last night getting a cup of coffee. the lady behind the counter said it was "too much cold" outside. b agreed and added that it was only the first day of winter. the lady then informed b that winter was not for "5 or 6 years." (at this point, i picture b cocking his head to the side a bit as he questioned the response.) perhaps he had misunderstood her. or maybe he just hadn't heard her correctly. he replied, "oh, actually today really is the first day of winter." "no, no," she insisted, "is 5 or 6 years away."

we're not sure what she meant, but b suggested that maybe she knows something that we don't.


'twas four days before christmas and all through chicago...

when we were younger, my sister and i would get up really early on christmas day. if one of us got up before the other, we would wake up the other one. it was very important to be up at the same time. i remember getting up as early as 5 or 6...so excited about the day ahead. the deal we made with our parents was that we could open up our stockings, but weren't allowed to open any gifts. fair enough, i say.

at our old house, we had a sort of open staircase in the living room that took you up to the loft, where the tree and presents were. sometimes, we'd go up and peek...maybe even touch (just touch) a few of the gifts. we never actually opened any gifts, we just wanted to check out the spectacle. we like surprises and never felt the need to destroy the magic.

one particular christmas, after opening and sorting through our stockings downstairs, my sister and i crept out of our bedrooms and tiptoed toward the staircase, lights twinkling around us. as we neared the stairs, we realized that they had been rigged with some sort of christmas booby trap! we looked closer and saw that several strands of yarn had been wrapped tightly around either side of the banisters to form an intricate red-green web barricading us from the presents above. in the middle of this blockade, a lone sleigh bell. a makeshift alarm designed to wake our sleeping parents should we try to get a closer look. pretty crafty. good job, santa.

b and i are going home separately this year which makes me kinda sad. i know we'll miss each other a lot. i told him i suppose it's harder to decide where to go for the holidays when you have two people who both like their families a lot and actually enjoy going home.

more holiday tales tomorrow...


hunger haiku

my heart's desire
pizza in the morning time
pepperoni, please.



...ladies and germs. that's how much it costs for a little piece of heaven. i am currently snacking upon a three-cheese pie from the middle east bakery down the street from my house. oh how i wish i could accurately describe to you how ding dang good this thing tastes...you'll just have to eat one for yourself.


sketchcore. coming soon to the 2006 chicago sketchfest.

here is sketchcore. we are very excited to be performing in the sketchfest this year. we are going to put on quite a show! you can find details about the fest here. we perform on january 12th at 8pm. and you can expect a show from us within the next few months as well...so keep your eyes peeled!

in other news, it really snowed last night! i'd say we got up to 6 or 7 inches. yes, that's what i'd say. it's still quite messy out there and i'm watching the cars slide by as i look out the window. careful, cars!

last night after rehearsal, shotts and i had to dig his car out of the parking spot he had drifted his way into. it took a little gunning of the engine and a helpful push from a stranger and me, but we got that baby outta there! when i get into a spot like that and i have to do the ol' back and forth, i tend to swear a lot. when i finally get out of the spot, i pat my car on the dashboard and say 'thank you.'


more babies.

i am lucky. i get to see so many cute babies every day. some of my favorites are in the "older infant room" which means they are 6-12 months. they are all working on a similar schedule development-wise right now and it seems that a lot has happened within the last month or so. they are all almost walking...saying 'hi'...waving like crazy...generally acting more like people.

i have a favorite (which isn't fair, but it's true). he is one year old. he is a little blondie with a lot of personality. every morning when he comes through the door with his mom, he reaches one little arm out towards me until he gets to the desk. he's still working on the 'hi...'

one day, i went to visit their room and they were all having some serious playtime (which is always a site to behold...12 babies all toddling around, very busy). i crouched down to say 'hi' and my favorite little man bobbled over to me, arms out-stretched, opened his mouth and planted a big kiss on my face. let me tell ya, there is nothing...nothing like it.


how do we feel about...

...a grown person wearing a red and white striped, dr. seuss, cat-in-the-hat-style hat without any sense of irony...


let me know.



oh my gosh, is it gorgeous out there or what?

there is lovely snow falling. it has been falling all morning. really slow-falling snow. and it continues as i type.

back in the day when i used to do 'the nutcracker,' i would sometimes perform as one of the myriad of dancing snowflakes. at the end of the first act, snow falls from the top of the stage. here's the trick: it's just newspaper.

it's beautiful, though.


turkey days!

mornin' all! s'been quite a while since i last posted...i've had a wicked cold and have been a bit busy of late. there are loads of mailings to do at work, so my fingers have been busy. i've folded hundreds, maybe thousands of flyers over the past week. it was making me into an angry person. but...

...tomorrow is the day o' the turkey! my sis and her bf flew in last night and we're all driving home today. i'm gonna see if b will do most of the actual driving.

so it's home we go for the big day. we're gonna have a full house this year from what my mom tells me. lots of aunts and uncles from both sides, a handful of cousins, a grandpa, a nona, the mom, the dad and us kids, of course. should be an interesting mix.

in other news, it snowed a bit last night and when i woke up this morning (it's dark when i wake up), the flakes looked huge against the streetlights outside my window. lovely.

ew! the food dudes just brought the food in (kosher lunch for the kids comes daily) and it smells like actual hell. like something really died. a while ago. disgusto.

in mo/ther news (i combined the words 'more' and 'other' to make one efficent word), b and i went to his big movie premiere this week! we rode the train downtown and as we walked up towards the movie theatre, i could see searchlights shooting up from the ground. we kind of laughed in disbelief as we walked up and into the theatre to find pictures flashing and stars chatting...so strange. then as we lined up to buy some snacks, we noticed an actor we had seen on a 'six feet under' episode the night before, so we decided to introduce ourselves. he was super kind and bought us some popcorn too! then we watched the film. fun, fun. sat next to some friends who also make appearances in it. laughed and clapped at familiar names rolling in the credits. and then made our way to the party which was held next door. 6-8 vodka/cranberries (me) and just as many heinekens (b) later, we made our way home.

the morning came too soon. three hours of sleep always seems to make me feel like i've been run over by a semi. can't figure out why...hmmm... so i made it through work and home to take my much-needed nap.

which brings us up to speed!

so here we are on the eve of thanks. this year i am thankful for many things including (in this order):

a person who loves me
a happy, healthy, supportive family
the most amazing friends
a new living space
a general lack of cat pee




this just in!

crazy #1 just walked in, plopped her gloves on the desk, and then, without warning, sang an entire song to me. i believe the song was improvised. i think the basic sentiment was 'it's friday and we don't have to come in tomorrow...' i kinda bobbed my head along with her to show her that i was listening. brilliant.


just when you thought it was safe.

i was having a bit of a writer's block and then it came to me (well, i got the link through defamer, but...).

check out this drug. it's prescribed for the disease of homosexuality. thank goodness, huh? alright, alright...i know there's tons of crap like this out there and that this stuff is still prevalent, but COME ON, PEOPLE. stop "diagnosing" people for the sake of your own warped conscience...er...'morality'...whatever you want to call it that allows you sleep through the night.

oh. please don't leave the site without visiting the link to "ask your doctor." that way you can find out if that fancy, new-fangled electroshock therapy is right for you. great idea, folks! hel-looo? hasn't anyone read any plath? or see the movie "frances" starring jessica lange? witness the documentary, "tarnation" and then tell me if you think that's a good idea for getting those nasty behavioral tendencies out of the way.

also, don't forget that you might have the "disease" of homosexuality "when [homosexual] activities take at least an hour a day, are very distressing, and interfere with daily life."


this just in:

i'm a dork. thank heavens for google.

this website, she ain't real. here's the real dish. click on the link to the interview for some extra info.

good one, dude. i was just about to analyze the photo on the front page of the website...i mean, isn't that a rainbow kite he's flying?

alas, i got taken...but it was for a worthy cause. this kind of thing just doesn't seem that fantastical to me right now. i mean not when there's stuff like this still out there.



feelin' spooky? i am! er...i would be, but i'm not allowed to celebrate this fine holiday here at the jewish community center. which is fine. but i was all set to be a piece of candy. i made a candy hat with construction paper, wax paper and ribbons. i must admit, it looks pretty cool for something that took me 5 minutes to make. last night, b and i dressed up in our costumes. we were marty mcfly and doctor emmett brown from 'back to the future.' people complimented us on our accuracy and attention to detail. i remembered the black suspenders, and b even wore specially designed gloves. earlier in the weekend, we were out for birthday celebrationing and imbibation.

i didn't realize all the german beers i drank would make me look like this:

my god! she's a monster!

...and look at jayce and emily...so calm. and pleasant. as if they had no idea i was about to devour their eternal souls...

(thanks again, arnie)


hot links

my friend arnie has a blog and i can't seem to add it to my links!



our big otis paintball sunday happened yesterday. another successful year of otis domination. i think i played a little harder this year and i have the welts and bruises to prove it. also, my quadriceps kill from extreme crouching.

one of my favorite moments was in the 'jungle of doom' when after sitting in the forest for about 20 minutes and taking a couple fools down, i had to run our 'idol' (a rope) all the way back to the 'tiki' (a fake ancient ruin). i put the idol on the wrong tiki, realized it, shot two of my own teammates and then had to walk the idol about 1/4 of a mile back to the tiki with our guide following me, very ready to end the game. a little friendly fire comes with the territory, right? plus you can't see crap with those masks on.

i knew i was about done playing for the day during the 'bedlam' game (a mock abandoned city). heidi and i were in the midst of a shootout when suddenly, from behind us, we heard matt-bo enter the fake town hall. we spun around fast enough to see him, but not fast enough to escape his paint-wrath. heids and i were both hit from real close range and (after taking the assassin down with me) i howled in pain as i hobbled off the course attempting to keep my arms in the air so i didn't get re-shot.

the pic on the right of joe and i (courtesy arnie) is a pretty accurate illustration of the feeling you get after a long day of paintballing.

i'm glad we only do this once a year. i think it takes that long to recover.


i have new boots.

i have new boots. they are pink and red and fuzzy and comfy and warm and crazy-looking. i wore them this past weekend on the street and they were making people whisper and stare. i loved it.

i am a huge advocate of insane-looking (but always cute and comfortable...i don't believe in pain) footwear.


the heat is on.

well...fall is temporarily here in chicago. it's been 50ish degrees here for the past two days. however, it was also 85 degrees on tuesday. so, i'll not speak too soon. i'm happy to report though, that the heat has already kicked in/on in our lovely apartment.

i'm also happy to report we've been pee-free courtesy of our darling mitch for over one week! a visit to the vet yielded a new plan of action and (fingers crossed) it seems to be working. oh dear god, let it work...

i'm actually writing from home today and it's a bit more relaxing than work. there are fewer screaming children and there's a lot less buzzing of buttons. and i can wear my pjs. i'm wearing them right now.

it's good to be home.


this just in!

one of the teachers here just gestured wildly and hit herself in the face.

i love life!

the other one that's crazy just walked past me and said one word: "headache" and rolled her eyes.

kidspeak...vol. 2

three boys playing in a playground sandbox. 6 years old, 3 years old, 3 years old. two out of the three are playing a game of tag called "zing!" one plays in the sand.

3 yr. old: i'm getting tired of playing this.

6 yr. old: then i'll play with my little brother.

3 yr. old: where is he?

6 yr. old: (points to the other 3 yr. old playing)
he's that kid.


to the woman that just spoke to me,

this was an interesting interaction we had. i knew if i looked up from my computer screen, something great would happen and it did. you totally fulfilled my expectations. i don't know if the randomness of it all can be captured, but i will share it with the world. here is the transcript.

lady: never have three jobs.

me: no, that's too many...

lady: well, i actually have four jobs. i have three jobs and my own projects. i do my own project.

me: oh yeah.

lady: yeah, i run a website, a news-...um, a news-...it's like cnn. so there's that and my other boss has a brain tumor, so...

me: ...so there's a lot going on.

lady: yeah.


back from the dead.

i am not dead, y'all. i just had a wicked case of food poisoning!!! man alive was that a rough four days. there were times when i thought i was seeing the light! let me just tell you, i absolutely hate being sick. ok, ok...i mean everyone hates being sick, but i reeeaally hate it. i get angry, sad, the whole deal. i hate it. therefore, i cannot imagine being truly sick. i should try to make sure that never happens. i'll work on it.

in the midst of all the terrible stomach pain i was enduring, i did get a chance to watch an exorbitant amount of "sex in the city," which i'd never seen before. and now i've watched up to season 3! man, i got some good work done there! alas, i am addicted. but i know that i need a break, so i'll try to pace myself.

so, back to work this monday morning. ready for the week to start. a new week; no sickness, no pain and no salmon with creme fraiche from julius meinl.


what to say?

man, oh man...babies are real cute when they are sleeping. and even cuter when they just woke up. GOD! i wish you could see!

in fact, the book i'm reading deals something with the cuteness of babies. it actually includes the chapter: "why be adorable?" (in terms of reproductive fitness, i think). that's chapter 19 though, and i'm only on chapter 3. the book itself is called "mother nature; a history of mothers, infants, and natural selection" and it's written by sarah blaffer hrdy. i've been meaning to read one of her books for a while. it's pretty interesting. a lot of biological anthropology...right now i'm learning about the reproductive behavior of parasitic jewel wasps. the females can control the sex of their offspring. pret-ty cool stuff, people!

also, i just became so very hungry. i'm going to have to steal food from some kids.



the babes.

i babysit. pretty often. and i really wish that i had started doing this earlier, but i'd like to record some of the dialogue between my smaller friends and i. now, it's impossible for me to get every word down verbatim, nor is it likely that i'll capture the spirit of these guys, but i will try anyway...these snippets are from a five-year-old friend of mine.

l- (while playing with some blocks) MAYONNAISE!!!

me- mayonnaise?! where?!?

l- (throwing blocks straight up) in the SKY! MAYONNAISE SKY!

me- i love mayonnaise.

l- me too. i love mayonnaise too.


l- (quietly playing with a train set) it's nice to meet you again.

me- it's nice to see you again too...

l- i hope you come back.



is the barometric pressure down today?

someone once told me that the barometric pressure can control your mood. she said that if the pressure was low, then your mood tended to be better...so today's must be low because i feel good. it may also be because i am no longer in the clutches of pms. or maybe it's because i get to go get my hair cut today. maybe i got a good amount of sleep last night or i'm excited about a somewhat easy day. in any case, today is good. i want to make today good.

can you help?

leave me a message if you can.


lakeside fun and more!

lovely time this weekend at lake marie. wish i was technologically advanced so that i could show you some digi-pix. i thinks that's what those are called. digi-pix. if they're not called digi-pix now, they really should be. start it up, folks. spread the word. we all have the power to change our own language.

at the lake, we did many things:

swimming (pool)



boating (pontoon) (lakeside digi-pic here)



swimming (lake)

it was all very relaxing. i wish all of you could've been there.


last night, while writing w/ my sketch group, we all laughed really hard. so hard that i really almost peed in my pants. it was an inspiration.


too much water.

i am at work and i am eating leftover pizza today.

it's been a long time since i've written and for that i am truly sorry. i know i have at least one loyal reader (i think) and i must be disappointing him.

i've been really busy with emotionally meaningless work and day business for the past couple of weeks and then i just felt like there was nothing to write that hasn't already been said or written about the past week's events. so terrible, tragic. too much water. there's been every link in the world posted regarding to whom to give and how to help and i thought for a minute i'd adopt an evacuee child, but then i realized that i continuously act like one. so i gave a bit to an organization which gives like, 97% of their donations straight to the task at hand. it's called direct relief international and updates the site almost daily with what they are doing in the effort to help down south. so there's that. also, visit cd baby. if you feel like buying a cd, lots of artists are donating all the profits from their cds to relief.

today i'm going to try to not let pms rule over me. let's take it one moment at a time.


before, when i said i was sore, i was lying.

dang! yesterday i took my first dance class in over 3 years. crazy. it's very, very strange to try to do something that you did consistently for 16 years after taking about a 10 year break. this body just didn't want to do some stuff. but i held it together! at one point, i really did think i would pass out. my old legs were shaking, i didn't think i could stand up again, but i did it. and then i did it another time after that. it felt good. painfully good. it's taken a long time to come to this. i will try to stick with it. for my mind and body. after i recover from the pain i'm currently in right now.

this weekend was nice...i got to see my friend arian on friday night. he's a big star now in nyc and flew in for a visit...he brought brendan and i some salty nuts from iran (i think that's where they were from) and he also came to see our show on saturday night.

i watched "annie hall" again yesterday. man, that's a good one.

then b and i watched "the graduate." also really great. i think i'm going to start a personal study of anne bancroft. whatta woman, huh?

alright...more later.

i love everyone.


sleepyhead me.

this morning i was falling asleep while driving to work. i think i really need a nap. wait a minute. i know i need a nap. or a full 8 hours of sleep.

last night we ate sushi with our friends mary, ravi, kenny, and lizzy. we decided to get a party platter since there were so damned many of us. we drank cold sake and at a ton of sushi and sashimi and such. yum. then we had a couple of the beers down the street. nice to catch up with one another.

ok. just overheard this...this dude at my work who is a decidedly caucasian person (and slightly bonkers) was talking to a couple of the other guys who are african-american. the white guy suddenly and without warning affected this sort of weird accent as he asked the two other guys for a favor. he sounded like a different person. it made me kind of embarassed for him. i don't ever want to hear that again.


morning thoughts 08.24.05

well, the shoot was really fun...i spent two days doing work that was easy with people who were really friendly and relaxed. as i expected, i ate excellently and guess what? ...i even got to take naps! in an actual trailer...with a bed! hurrah! now that is the life.

we did however, have to work out a bit for the commercial/print stuff and these old legs were a-shakin'! yikes! and today i am definitely sore. man, i need to exercise more. or just at all.

in other news...

my front bike tire is flat.

some friends from out of town are here in my town for the rest o' the week.

brendan made some delicious salsa again.

i have another couple of auditions today.

i learned some really exciting news yesterday.

it's significantly cooler this week in chicago and i can wear this new/old jacket i got at the village discount for $1.80.

here comes the ice mountain water guy.

my apartment is so very nice.

i want to sleep in til 9 one day soon.

i need to work on some writing today.

i will.

i will.



morning thoughts 08.22.05

oh gosh. i get to shoot a commercial today! which can really only mean one thing:


however, the prospect of an abundance of food is not as enticing since i've been chowing down consistently since last thursday. b's parents were in town for the weekend and we've all been eating like kings and queens. we saw them off on sunday and then, just when we thought it was all over, my friend dunbar's mom made us fried chicken and mashed potatoes. wow. the parade of food keeps marching on!

also, my team had an amazing show this past weekend...i count my luckies that i get to perform with these people weekly (and for almost four years now!)...if anyone ever reads this and wants to see us, please come by. we are 'otis' and we have a good time. i can't guarantee that it will be hilarous, but it will definitely be dark and a little creepy...but where else can you see a show where people do a dance they invented called "the dance of the rigor mortis?"

life is good.


voicemail #2.0 (favorite vacation)

"my buddy kevin and i took...a road trip from iowa down to new mexico, we stopped and saw some people...colorado...met a stripper in colorado i became friends with. umm, i saw two friends in kansas...kinda had a real...real cool time, wound up in the desert in new mexico, we were working on a play at the time...it was just, one of those trip that didn't seem to be the greatest thing in the world but it turned out to be really excellent."


let's get outta here!

man, oh man...i want to go on a vacation.

anywhere will do.


i love...

when fluently bilingual people speak in their native language to another person (after you've heard them speak only english).


dearest zit,

what a pleasant surprise!

well played, zit! you've fooled us all. just when i thought i could predict your every move, you remind me just how little i know about the changeable nature of the zit. after rising up like a phoenix and threatening me with your sheer size, you shock the masses by sinking back into yourself as if you never existed at all. amazing! so zit, i commend you! for teaching me to never assume anything as it always makes an ass out of u and me!

very truly yours,

i'm so lucky.

there is a face that i love and i get to see it every day.

let me tell you about it.

this face is like any other face in that it has two eyes, a nose, a mouth and the rest. but this face is unlike any other face in that it is gorgeous. i know that i could stare at it for hours.

the nose is perfect (i was staring at it last night). the mouth is ridiculously soft. i can just look at it and know how soft it is. my favorite (if i had to pick a favorite) would be the eyes. they are warm, lovely.

this face is covered in sun for me.

this is the face that i love and i get to see it every day.


dear zit,

dear zit,

this joke you are trying to play on me is not funny.

you are mocking me from deep within my skin and the pain you are causing me is unbelievable. the worst part of it is is that there's nothing to do about you. there is no way to expedite your long journey from the center of my face. i don't know exactly how long you'll be there, but i'm almost certain of what the outcome will be.

will you rise to the surface like any other normal zit, grateful to live a short and ignorant life? or will you stay hidden for weeks, biding your time until you disappear back from whence you came?

no. neither of these things will happen because you are a smart zit. a zit with an itinerary. an intelli-zit. and here is what will happen.

you will continue to torture me for about two more days. then, one morning, you will show yourself. you will rear your ugly head and brandish your sword of intolerable pain. and i will have to deal with you. no matter how much i will try not to touch you, you will beckon me, seducing me with the possibility of a calm, peaceful resolution. i know the truth. i know how this will end. it will not be easy or satisfying and i'm going to have to spent the next week and a half catering to your every need.

you suck, zit.




morning thoughts 08.03.05

good morning.

if it's possible, i'm actually more tired than i was yesterday. and it's my own damned fault. no one forced me to go out drinking with my ladies.

yesterday i saw a homeless guy's pants nearly fall down.

i also witnessed a car accident. i spoke to the police and everything.

i have a huge, painful zit that's brewing and i'm not going to tell you where it is.

none of this is super interesting, but piero wants more to read cause he's bored with wounding lab animals.

there will be more and it will be better. and i'll do it today! that's a promise!


hangover haiku

my aching head hurts

i had too much fun last night.

oh sweet bed, to be with you!


voicemail #2

your favorite vacation?

"my favorite vacation...as a kid growing up, my parents went sailing...i got to take my best friend...[we were] sitting in the [boat] and um we woke up one night because we heard the fish outside like, flopping in the water. and we grabbed a net and grabbed the fish hook but we didn't have any bait, we just had the hook and caught fish. caught like ten of them and when we woke up in the morning, my parents had already gone out to sea and they had dumped the fish back overboard because they found them in buckets on the boat and they were too small to cook and clean. so, we caught fish that night in the middle of the night and um, were quiet and were laughing and the fish were jumping in the air and it was extraordinary."


this computer is sucking my life away

i need to close my eyes. this computer is sucking my life away.

i wish i could bring all of my craft supplies to work and make things all day...maybe i'll create an on-the-go kit because this computer is sucking my life away.

ok. i want to write more, but only when i have something substantial to say.

so, i am going to put this computer to sleep until 10:00. then i'll check my email and update you with how i am feeling...you know...whether or not this computer has totally sucked my life away.


voicemail #1

sometimes on my voicemail, i ask questions for people to answer when they call. this past couple of weeks i've asked "what is your favorite place in your city?"

"well, i really like the bankone fountain downtown...it's actually part of an entire plaza which is really quite lovely. during the day, you can go down and eat your lunch down there and the fountain, um, well, it's on a timer i think to do certain heights and it kind of looks like it's dancing. and then if you look up, the bankone building kind of arcs so if you look up, it looks like it's bending over you which is very cool. and to your right of that, there's actually a mural that is, what do you call it, the tiles, a mosaic i think. but anyway, um, it's just a charming place to be, an oasis in the middle of the city and i quite enjoy it."


this is a conversation i once had with a man at my old job.

cast of characters:

girl: me (i am at my old job, working on some display)

older gentleman: a man (who looks a bit like a grad school prof who looks as if he's spent a couple days and nights outside. he is holding some red berries and his lips are stained with red as he walks toward the girl)

gentleman- (holding berries in hand) should i eat these?

girl- um, i don't know. they're probably poisonous. you probably shouldn't eat them.

gentleman- i'm going to eat them.

(gentleman exits. girl watches him walk out of the store, across parking lot and through the berry bushes.)


we went to the intonation music festival this weekend. for two whole days. b and i went and it was HOT. i thought it possible that we might melt. we sprayed each other with water guns. we layed down on our mat and relaxed in the shade. and since it hasn't rained in months, it was dir-tay. we were grody. i looked at b's feet and i said, "wow, check out your flip-flop tan." and he said, "oh that's dirt, not tan."


my sister, part deux

today is my sister's birthday. it is my first real memory.

sometimes you think you remember things just because you saw them in pictures or because someone told you so many times you adopt the memory as your own. this one all mine.

i was at my grandparents' house that day; my mom and dad at the hospital, busy, laboring. i was at my grandparents' house on 618 saratoga drive. those are the numbers in my birthday. but this day was 7/12 and we got a phone call in the morning. i was allowed to answer it.

"it's a rhiannon..."

i believe my dad came to pick me up and we went to my aunt's apartment. we picked flowers, pansies or violets. for mom. we went to the hospital. we rode in an elevator. i couldn't wait. my mom came around the corner and met us. she was wearing her blue robe. with flowers that matched mine. we visited rhiannon, looked at her through the glass. she cried a lot.

"that one. that's her."

later we came home and we all got into our pajamas. it was the middle of the day. and we loved her.

i remember that.


oh my goodness, inspiration!

well, this weekend i saw a movie with my friend katie (we always happen to see great movies together) and it was so pleasing to me that i might need to write about it in order to think about it.

i think that if something moves you (this film made me want to make something), you should say it out loud. and by out loud, i mean on a blog. my blog. right now.

the movie was "me and you and everyone we know" by miranda july (who is a performance artist i've only read about) and it was really something. i was so impressed by the simplicity. color and texture. and it is so wonderful to see children presented as whole people with stories of their own. and the adults just like the children - living entire lifetimes in one single moment.

and i laughed. which is super-important to me.

clearly i'm no film critic. i liked it. and that's what's important, right?

as i rode my bike home, i felt like the world was playing a movie around me/for me.

maybe more later.


they are still crying.

in my imagination, they've been crying since friday. but i'm sure they took a break for the big holiday weekend.

meanwhile, my boyfriend is in the country and in less that 5 hours, i will see him! i would endure hours of screaming children for him.

well...maybe just one more hour.


i know there are real problems in this world, but...

listening to children scream and wail as they are dropped off for their first day of daycare is not fun. there is one baby who has been crying for about 2 hours and it's starting to get to me. she might lose her voice. a baby (even just potentially) losing her voice is sad. now two of them are crying.

in other news, i will never dance with a clown again...i should probably never say never, but...my last day at one of my jobs was yesterday, an event that took place with absolutely no fanfare whatsoever. i guess that's how your higher-ups treat you after you've worked for them for two years. not that i need fanfare or anything...maybe just some confetti...and an ice-cream cake.

more news...four full days til my boyfriend gets back and not a moment too soon...


one week down, one to go.

well world, it's been just one week since my sweet left the country and i've generally been doing pretty well. however, i've started to become one of those people that looks to strike up conversations with strangers (aka "lonely"). i rode my bike all around town again today and went to the zoo. it was lovely outside, not as hot as it has been of late, and i tooled around the zoo for a bit, checking out the animals and whatnot. i started conversations with people in the ape house, in the african safarijourneything, and over by the sign that tells you where to go. i almost struck up a chat with a zookeeper, but she looked pretty busy observing some gray's monkeys. i would say nerdy things like, (looking at the chimps) "wow, there's no way we're related," attempting to comment sarcastically on those who don't believe in evolution. people don't mind if you talk to them, if they don't like it, they just ignore you.

later i bought some plants.


yesterday i really rode my bike

well, it's true!

i rode my bike for a long time. it was a lovely day and i rode along the lake shore path. i saw some wonderful things on my travels...lotsa bikinis: a few on rollerblades and one stroller pushin' mom...a few weird joggers...bikes, bikes, bikes...

i decided to ride all the way to a place i'd never been before. i rode to the lily pool by the zoo. it was beautiful. i would like to live there, but i think the turtles have that covered.

run, don't walk to the lily pool, people. better yet, ride your bike. it's gorgeous.


i didn't set my alarm

i woke up late this morning and i got ready really fast. i didn't even wash my face or brush my teeth. i brushed them last night, don't worry. my hair is not cute. i needed to shower. i've been smelling something stinky for the past hour and its been driving me bonkers. and i've just figured out what i think it is. i think my sleep slobber is on my face and hand. i think that's the culprit. i know this is disgusting. but i'm just really glad it's not cat pee as my boyfriend is out of the country (see previous entry regarding kittens). i washed my hands already and i think i'm gonna have to go do it again. gross.


my sister

one time, my sister and i were driving to church to drop off some brownies my mom had made for a bake sale. i was driving the dodge caravan and she was in the passenger seat holding the pan of brownies in her lap. we were arguing about music. she said the music we were listening to was stupid. she wanted to listen to her music. i said that her music was stupid. then she said something meaner to me; i don't remember what she said, but it upset me. i kind of backhanded her and that shut her up for a second. then she said that she was going to call mom. she grabbed the carphone (one of those old ones with a giant pack that plugs into the car lighter) started to call our mom. her braces had kind of cut her lip, not badly, but when i saw that i started feeling bad. i regretted what i had done. i pleaded with her not to call mom. she hung up the phone and we delivered the brownies. i still feel sorry about smacking her, but it sure does make for a good story.


why i can't have another kitten.

sometimes when i'm feeling unsure and questioning everything that i do, a certain answer comes to me very clearly:

"i want a kitten."

i've said out loud before. twice. it's terrifying to space out, tap into your subconscious and realize that that is what would make you truly happy.

a kitten brings with it the promise of new life. a kitten brings fuzzy newness and a rollicking good time. have you ever felt a tiny kitten paw? if you have not felt a kitten paw, then you're not really living. get a kitten to fall asleep on your chest and then tell me honestly if you don't feel the radiant beams of adoration toward that lil' sucker. i won't believe you.

all kittens are cute all of the time.

now, i already have two glorious cats: polly and mitch. one of these two cats is crazier than the other...come to my house and decide for yourself. i'll give you a hint, it's mitch. he's very sensitive. by sensitive, i mean he pees on stuff. if you are leaving town, he'll most likely pee on the bag you plan to use. if there is a change in sleeping arrangements with you and your boyfriend, he will most likely pee on the bed. it's pretty disgusting. but i love him. in the same way that i love polly. she used to bite my ankles when i was talking on the phone or singing along to music. now, in her kitty mid-life, she has become really sweet. i can't wait for mitch to grow up and get sweeter. and by sweeter, i mean not peeing on things.

all cats are cute almost all of the time.

don't get me wrong, these cats are awesome. and they have enough moxie for me to be writing about them on the internet. they also might not welcome a new frisky kitten into the house; three's a crowd, they say. so i will hold back from thinking those new kitten thoughts. those thoughts can get you in to trouble. with those thoughts, you can find yourself driving on the gravelly backroads of southern indiana trying to find a state road address for the place that has advertised "cute, adorable kittens" in the sunday paper. or you might find yourself downtown at navy pier meeting some strange girl at her office to do a new kitty pick-up. either way, there is nothing like the excitement of a new kitten. but for now, i'll stay excited with my full-grown cats who like to curl up, lay right down on me and make me the happiest girl in the world.

a story, part 1

Elaine reached into her pocket and pulled out her cherry chapstick and began to run her fingers over the ridges at the bottom of the tube. It was super hot out and she decided to move herself out of the sun and under the shade of a park tree. She could feel teensy beads of sweat gathering on her nose like dewdrops. With her non-chapstick-holding hand, she wipes the sweat on her face and leans hard against the tree. She steels herself for the impending waiting game. As the sun goes higher, Elaine surveys the scope of the pond, searching for a sign; some indication of where her mysterious friends might appear.

"Those ducks will be the death of me!," Elaine mutters under her breath, swatting a mosquito away from her neck.

It had been two long years since Elaine had started visiting the ducks at Rocky Bottom Pond. Her first visit was an accident. She had been on a "date" with Ron, a former co-worker from the nearby Safeway supermarket. They went to dinner at Olive Garden and then decided to take an evening stroll down by the pond. Ron had attempted to make out with Elaine, but his steely silver mustache made her think of her father and she asked if he could walk her home. He said he was "much obliged."

They were on their way down Miller's Trail when she spotted them. They were spectacular at night; yellows and greens and blues, multi-colored feathers glowing like neon. The ducks seem to glide faster than regular ducks, moving with more intensity; spirographs tracing brilliant designs onto the surface of the pond. Ron hadn't even cared to look at them. He had been too busy putting the moves on Elaine, trying to kiss her neck and whispering weird lines into her ear. "Shut up!," she hissed, "Quit it, Ron!" She was spellbound. These ducks were electric and Elaine never forgot the rush of joy she felt upon first viewing these supernatural fowl. At that moment, Ron and the entire world dropped away, leaving only Elaine and the ducks.

Her second encounter came soon after the botched date with Safeway Ron. Her sister Teresa had just announced her engagement during a big Labor Day bash and Elaine desperately needed some air. She was very upset. Elain walked down close to the pond, looking up toward the sky to hold the tears in her eyes. She told herself if they didn't fall down onto her face, then she wasn't really crying. She told herself this out loud a few times. It was helping to calm her down. Then startled by a strange, zipping sound, Elaine turned toward the pond. There were her friends, speeding and swerving, so happy to be alive! Those beauties reminded Elaine how quickly life was passing her by; that it didn't matter that her younger sister was getting married before she was. It didn't matter that she lived in the apartment building directly across the street from her aging parents. It didn't matter that she was 42, lonely and really needing a friend. She called out to the ducks, naming each one she saw: Calliope, Sarah, Mudface, Skippy, Corset, Butterball! There were so many and they were so fast, she did her best to name them all. After she was finished, she walked back toward the party, feeling better than she did when the whole day began.

A year and half passed, with no sign of Elaine's new friends. She had taken to visiting the pond once or twice a week. She purchased some used books on ducks and one romance novel to read while waiting for the ducks. Armed with binoculars, her books and a sack lunch, Elaine stationed herself at Rocky Bottom Pond every Friday (her day off from the pet shop). Every Friday she visited and every Friday she saw nothing. Months passed and no sign, not a feather. Elaine grew weary and disillusioned, wondering if she was crazy. She started thinking she had imagined the ducks and began to question her own sanity. Elaine took a break when the air began to bite and the pond got frosty. Winter came and went, spring sprung and the pond came alive once again. Out of habit, she picked up her Friday visits once again, hoping to confirm her sanity with a glimpse of those ducks.

To be continued...

fiesta resistance, ok?

well, all...inspired by my dear friend, marc and compounded with the fact that i have a leeeeetle bit o' time on my hands in the mornings, i have decided to write stuff online so people can read it. maybe i'll develop a focus for this ding dang thing eventually but right now, i'm just writing. soooo get a-ready for some inane details, fools!