
sleepyhead me.

this morning i was falling asleep while driving to work. i think i really need a nap. wait a minute. i know i need a nap. or a full 8 hours of sleep.

last night we ate sushi with our friends mary, ravi, kenny, and lizzy. we decided to get a party platter since there were so damned many of us. we drank cold sake and at a ton of sushi and sashimi and such. yum. then we had a couple of the beers down the street. nice to catch up with one another.

ok. just overheard this...this dude at my work who is a decidedly caucasian person (and slightly bonkers) was talking to a couple of the other guys who are african-american. the white guy suddenly and without warning affected this sort of weird accent as he asked the two other guys for a favor. he sounded like a different person. it made me kind of embarassed for him. i don't ever want to hear that again.

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