
'twas four days before christmas and all through chicago...

when we were younger, my sister and i would get up really early on christmas day. if one of us got up before the other, we would wake up the other one. it was very important to be up at the same time. i remember getting up as early as 5 or 6...so excited about the day ahead. the deal we made with our parents was that we could open up our stockings, but weren't allowed to open any gifts. fair enough, i say.

at our old house, we had a sort of open staircase in the living room that took you up to the loft, where the tree and presents were. sometimes, we'd go up and peek...maybe even touch (just touch) a few of the gifts. we never actually opened any gifts, we just wanted to check out the spectacle. we like surprises and never felt the need to destroy the magic.

one particular christmas, after opening and sorting through our stockings downstairs, my sister and i crept out of our bedrooms and tiptoed toward the staircase, lights twinkling around us. as we neared the stairs, we realized that they had been rigged with some sort of christmas booby trap! we looked closer and saw that several strands of yarn had been wrapped tightly around either side of the banisters to form an intricate red-green web barricading us from the presents above. in the middle of this blockade, a lone sleigh bell. a makeshift alarm designed to wake our sleeping parents should we try to get a closer look. pretty crafty. good job, santa.

b and i are going home separately this year which makes me kinda sad. i know we'll miss each other a lot. i told him i suppose it's harder to decide where to go for the holidays when you have two people who both like their families a lot and actually enjoy going home.

more holiday tales tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

i was just telling Matt the story of when our sneaky Christmas morning plans were stroogled! they really thought they got us... but i believe we realized that holding the bell in one's hand reduces the noise level. in fact (and i this may be wishful thinking), i thought we made it through the rope by holding the bell and wriggling through the largest gap. aaahhhhhh... i love christmas.

Lauren said...

whoopsie. i've been exposed! we may have been more wiley than i thought...i think you're right, sis...i think you just might be right.

good work, rhi.