
i can dream.

here in chicago, it's icy and snowy again and i'm starting to grow weary of it. we got tricked by mother nature over the past month or so. forties, fifties...we were spoiled. and then more snow, reminding us that winter is far from over. arg. too much time in the house, not enough skin feeling the breeze of warm, outside air...i'm missing spring/summer, of course. this is why i strongly believe that the changing of seasons (and having as close to four of them as possible) is so important to my well-being. i am positive that without seasons, i would have trouble looking forward. the seasons force us to be ok with time and the passage of it. i dunno...maybe.

i love it when you are in the thick of summer in the middle of one-hundred-something degree heat and you're sure there's no way it can get any hotter and there are no more clothes to remove and you've cranked the little window unit up full-blast and herded your kitties into your bedroom with you so that they don't expire from heat exhaustion and you're thinking (as you nearly pass out): sweet heavens, i cannot wait for SNOW!

then the snow comes. and it's gorgeous. and charming. and it keeps coming. and it turns from pure white to crunchy and grey. it melts and then repeats the process over and over again. and you can leave your house, but it's harder to leave cause it's super-cold out there and inside there's food and drink and soft covers on a warm bed with another body in it and you really don't want to leave and it's dark when you leave the house, if it could only be all windows-open, warm breezes, and sweaty bike rides. i miss summer.

this is what the seasons promise: you will wear a t-shirt/sweater again.

1 comment:

mama amy bee said...

so true, lauren, so true.