
monkey business

howdy y'all. sorry it's been so very long, i've been felled by the most bizarre ailment in history...well, not all of history but in my history...i won't go into it on the blog. however, if you see me and want to know more, i'll fill you in.

anyway...last night i went to see a barrel of monkeys show directed by my friend (and palm springs roomie) halena. it was awesome. the creativity and energy of these shows always amazes me. if you live in chicago and you have not seen one of their shows, i encourage you to do so. it's cheap and great and written by the kids. go. you'll be glad you did. i mean, aren't you always saying how you need to go "do more stuff?" you're always saying "i live in chicago and there's so much to do!" and "why don't i go see something fun and different!?" well, what's stopping you? that's what i thought.

b has a cold and i'm falling apart and we've got a wal mart audition to make out for today. we are a "couple in a car." wish us luck...


mama amy bee said...

Hi! Jim and I saw Barrel of Monkeys one time. Very funny. Bought the CD. That's fun you get to audition for things. Good luck. What's the ailment you're speaking of? We got our ultrasound today. There really is a baby in there- I'm not just eating a lot and gaining weight. Yesss.

Anonymous said...

walmart! awesome. you guys are such midwestern heartthrobs!!!!