
true or false.

morning, all!

i hope everyone's weekend was full of fun and frolic. it was unseasonably warm here in chicago most of the weekend; i wish i could've spent more time out-of-doors...

last night there were crazy thunderstorms. blazing lightening and gigantic thunderclaps. rain, rain and more rain. i didn't mind it a bit. it sounded wonderful.

this morning the crocuses in the garden were peeking out. little yellow ones. i fear for their safety.

in other (and more upsetting) news, our dear friend dean's blog has struck back with a vengeance, hurling false accusations at my friendly blog left and right. he has also chosen to involve innocent bystanders in this "war." dean's blog, i implore you, leave the others out of this.

now, i didn't want to sink to muckraking levels of pettiness, but dean's blog has simply forced me to do it. it seems as if dean has been drunkenly copying and pasting pictures into his blog entries and deeming me responsible for the actions within them. friends, it saddens me to know that if i had not introduced dean to the charming world of cute animals, these accusations would never have come to pass. i am immensely distraught by dean's blog's actions and hope that you, the discerning, fiesta-reading public will see them for what they are: a load of crap. however, i will not force you to adhere to any of my beliefs. i would hope that you, the public, will decide for yourselves what is true and what is false.

last i heard, dean was spotted closing the bar at the macaroni grill in schaumburg. apparently, he had been cut off by the bartender after digressing into a long diatribe during which he berated innocent patrons, repeatedly calling them "lefty loosies" and "patron saints of the apocolypse." then, dean staggered out of the restaurant, haphazardly urinated on the north side of the building and disappeared into the night. he was found beside a dumpster early the next morning by a member of the waitstaff.

my dear friends, let me leave you with this simple equation:

dean's drunken blog + lies and deceit = bush's america.


Anonymous said...

As someone who has known Lauren since she was 4 years old, I will vouch for her love of all creatures- including puppies. Long live FIESTA RESISTANCE!

Anonymous said...

As someone who has known Lauren since she was 4 years old, I will vouch for her love of all creatures- including puppies. Long live FIESTA RESISTANCE!