
train wrecks and tomato plants.

this past weekend, we opened our show...it seemed to transform quickly from a lot of work into a ton of fun within just a few days. we had nice audiences for previews and saturday night was just as satisfying. some very nice reviews came out this week which never hurts anything.

it's been a rainfest in chicago this week and i don't mind. it seems like each time this weather occurs, i feel calm and at ease...i think it's because it reminds me of seattle (former place of residence). i don't mind because it makes everything so ding dang green which is just fine by me. i went out into the backyard yesterday to check on the tomatoes and they have gone absolutely crazy! i will get a pic when the rain lets up and show you how wild they've gotten. there are lil' toms everywhere! and the big ones are just getting bigger. we've learned one main thing with this our first vegetable garden: don't plant 12 tomato plants in a small, 5 x 10 plot. they will overtake it.

1 comment:

mama amy bee said...

congrats on the good reviews! aren't tomato plants funny?