
sunrise, sunset.

bonkie, bonk...it's monday y'all.

today it is 16 degrees outside. and do you know what? that is WARMER than it's been for the last two days. it was 8 during the day on thursday. 8. ugh. please stop this madness! i think arnie says it best. needless to say, i did NOT want to get out of bed. after almost a year of getting up for work at 6:30 am, i have honed my morning routine down to about 19 (avec shower) or 12 minutes (sans shower). it's strictly the basics for me. contacts, face wash (optional), tooth brushing, clothes, coffee (mandatory).

one good thing about my early mornings is the fact that i get to witness some seriously stunning sunrises. i can't speak to the sunsets; i'm ususally away from the lake at that point in the day. in the morning, as i cruise along a traffic-less lake shore drive, i check out the ever-shifting skyline to my left. today i noticed a major difference...the sun had already exposed itself completely by the time i pulled onto the drive. that can only mean one thing; the days...they're getting longer.

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