
making contact.

tonight, at 5:20 in the pm, i will play in my second theatre league softball game for the gift theatre. last monday, i spent the whole day worrying about my upcoming "performance." i had picked up neither ball (let alone a soft one) nor bat since high school gym class. in honor of this event, i wore my actual gym shirt from high school. i love this shirt. it's gray and soft and full of bulldog pride. i never cared much for the matching shorts though, those went by the wayside long ago. this shirt is the only good thing that ever came out of gym class.

i think i've blocked out most of the memories from that class. however, i do remember getting in minor trouble for a little scheme i hatched with my classmates during the "volleyball unit." the people on my "team" and i decided that it would be mutually beneficial for us to "accidentally" skip my serve each time my rotation came around. so instead of me taking a turn and potentially/probably ruining any chance of us winning, we'd let someone else serve the ball for me. it was the perfect crime...until we got caught. we didn't get in that much trouble, but i do remember getting scolded by our boozy, red-faced gym teacher.

so last monday, despite all of my nervousness, i actually hit the ball the very first time i was at bat. i didn't make it to first base, but i hit that ball and i felt proud. our team played a good game. we lost, of course, but not by a ton. b said that we didn't suck that badly at all! so, to celebrate our moderate loss, we drank beers.

tonight, we play again.

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